2025-26 English + History Classes for College Credit

Don’t forget to pay your student’s tuition here!

We understand that Home School Partners presents subjects from a Christian/Biblical worldview as explained on this web site, while making students aware of other worldviews.
We agree that our student will (1) complete assignments and be ready to discuss them, and (2) will participate in discussions, with a working camera and microphone turned on during online meetings. We understand that students who habitually come late, leave their cameras off, and/or are not able to give answers/input when asked will be moved to the asynchronous class, where the student can watch pre-recorded video lectures instead AND that whether and when a student is moved into the asynchronous class is totally at the discretion of the professor (although students will we warned first that they’re getting close).
We understand that students are expected to speak courteously to others; that inappropriate talk—anything sexual in nature, obscene or blasphemous language, used to bully, and so on—is unacceptable and is grounds for immediate dismissal, without a refund; and that plagiarism will result in, at minimum, a zero for the assignment, and potentially dismissal from the course.
Our student has access to Microsoft Word or an alternative that creates Word documents, and reasonable access to an email account and the Internet in order to be able to receive communication from the instructor.
We understand that a student’s spot in a class can only be confirmed after tuition is received, and that no tuition refunds will be given.