3 American Government & Politics College Credits
Wednesdays, 2:30 – 3:20 PM EST, August – April (Calendar)
In our text, American Government and Politics: A Christian Worldview, we review what the Bible says are the moral, legitimate functions of government, the truth about the “separation between church and state,” the superiority of limited government, influences on America’s government (Christianity, Ancient Greece and Rome, the Renaissance, the Reformation, etc.), government types and their strengths and weaknesses, the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation and U. S. Constitution, constitutional amendments, key Supreme Court cases, nullification, political parties, secession, the North/South War’s effect on U. S. government, taxation, endless government agencies, welfare and foreign aid, government spending, great presidential vetoes and pardons, “emergencies” as excuses for government tyranny, and more!
- American Government & Politics: A Christian Worldview
- Microsoft Word or something that can produce .doc or .docx documents
- High-speed Internet, email
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