Home School Partners students earn college credits for their classes!

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These are nationally accredited classes, in conjunction with a Christian university that has institutional accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission. [See link here.] (This is the same accreditation as, for example, Ohio State University, Notre Dame, and many other midwestern colleges and universities.) Translation: The credits will most likely transfer to most other colleges your student wants to attend.

Note: I personally called the admissions offices of many local community colleges and Christian and secular universities–AB Tech, Blue Ridge Community College, Bob Jones University, Western Carolina University, Appalachian State University, North Greenville University, UNC Asheville, and Montreat College–and asked them bluntly if the dual enrollment credits would transfer.

The admissions officers at all those institutions either outright said, “Yes, they’ll all transfer,” or (paraphrasing) “I can’t officially say ‘Yes, they’ll all transfer’ over over the phone until I look at them personally, because that’s our policy, but I’m sure they’ll transfer.” (This was partly because the dual enrollment classes we’re doing are very common “General Education” ones like English and history, not weird, atypical classes like “Icelandic Pottery” or “Gender Volleyball Studies” or something like that.)

The only admissions officer who said anything different was the one at BJU, who said the school only takes dual enrollment credits during the junior and senior years of high school–something I’m sure creative homeschooling parents can adjust to….the bottom line is that if you know for sure where your homeschooler will be going to college, I’d call the admissions office to find out their policy on dual enrollment, but I’m confident they’ll be accommodating.

IN-PERSON Class Sets Offered in 2025-26:

Wednesday – 6 college credits (3 for American Government, 3 for American Literature).
Tuition: $650 due by August 1.

Thursday – 9 college credits (3 for U. S. History I, 3 for U. S. History II, 3 for British Literature)
Tuition: $950 due by August 1.

Credits by year:
Here’s how the college credits pile up for a student who takes four years of Home School Partners in-person classes starting in August 2025 (of course, students may earn all the credits that apply to them, even if they don’t go four years at HSP):

2025-26 – “9th/10th”:
American Government (3 credits)
American Literature (3 credits)
American Literature includes Grammar and Composition.

2026-27 – “9th/10th”:
Composition I (3 credits)
Composition II (3 credits)
The above set also includes Civics (1 semester) and Economics (1 semester). Each Composition part (I and II) includes Classic Literature and Grammar.

2027-28 – “11th/12th”:
U. S. History I (3 credits)
U. S. History II (3 credits)
British Literature (3 credits)
British Literature also includes Composition.

2028-29 – “11th/12th”:
World Literature (3 credits)
World History I (3 credits)
World History II (3 credits)
World Literature also includes Composition.

That’s a total of 30 college credits in high school through Home School Partners, not including the online summer classes HSP students are eligible to take.

The Christian university I am partnering with has also agreed to let HSP students take a summer class or two (a summer class lasts six weeks) for the dual enrollment price of $300 per class, a savings of $750 off the regular price.

If your student took one online college class during each summer of high school, it would be possible to graduate from high school with 30 credits + (3 credits each summer x 4 summers) = 42 credits at the end of high school!

Then, students who took two online classes at a time (6 credits at a time, which is the normal load) starting the August after high school graduation could earn an A.A. degree by March (only eight months later)!

Your student can earn an Associate’s degree more quickly…and avoid brainwashing attempts!
The beauty of this is something I’ve been working on and praying about for years: a Christian alternative to secular community colleges, which are, as you’re probably aware, widely “woke” and anti-Christian, virtually beyond repair. Some of the worst brainwashing content is in English and history classes.

English/literature classes in secular community colleges and universities often feature anti-Christian, R-rated, X-rated, and depressing reading material (and discussions about them right in front of other students of the opposite gender).

History classes in secular community colleges and universities? Don’t get me started! Pro-communist/socialist, anti-free market, anti-Christian and “western” civilization…and I’m sure you’re aware of the gender confusion and “critical race theory” being integrated into classes.

I’ve encountered many young people over the last decade who were Christian homeschooled, whose parents fell for the “free” dual enrollment classes, and who came out of those classes lost, confused, and thoroughly secularized (and often nearly unrecognizable due to attempts to identify as the other gender).

There are even local community college professors who openly brag that they will undo all of their homeschooled students’ worldviews in one or two semesters!

Well, through Home School Partners, those English and history classes will be taken care of…with a Christian worldview!

More details about the High School English + History Classes
High School in-person classes meet once per week for 32 weeks (16 weeks before Christmas, 16 weeks after). The classes are designed to complement the efforts of parents who are home schooling their high school children and are not in any way intended to replace the homeschooling parent, who is, of course, the primary teacher of a homeschooled child. I teach students from a Biblical worldview, while making them aware of other worldviews.

Students work on assignments online over four days, which they complete and bring to class the next week (notes and exercises). We review the readings and exercises together, sometimes using PowerPoint slides, and sometimes in groups of 4-6 students at tables. Each week there is also some type of group activity such as Jeopardy! or a crossword puzzle or another game to give students a chance to interact with each other and reinforce what we’ve been studying in class.

What Each High School Class Set Includes:

Four Years of High School, Four Different Class Sets
The Home School Partners high school classes operate on an “every-other-year” rotating basis. Each year two class sets—one 9th/10th grade class set, and one 11th/12th grade class set—are offered; the next year two different sets (one 9th/10th grade, one 11th/12th grade) are offered.

Thus, students may take four totally different high school class sets, four years in a row!

Other Benefits of High School Classes

IMPORTANT NOTE; PLEASE READ!: These in-person classes are ONLY for students who (1) complete their work (and come to classes prepared), (2) are self-motivated, and not being sent to classes in the hopes of reforming bad/lazy habits (or forcing them to do some work), (3) contribute to class discussions, and (4) come to class on time. This makes classes much more interesting and edifying…and fun! Feel free to contact me if you have any questions!

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