Student Expectations
Students who take classes with Home School Partners should…

Students, call or email me if you have questions!  I really enjoy working with young persons LIKE YOU, and I want you to succeed!

Parents, if your student is having any initial challenges (which is normal for first-year students in the beginning; trust me, it happens all the time—don’t worry!), let me know as soon as possible so I can offer help. Note: 90+ percent of these challenges can be overcome by diligence/hard work.

As we all remember, high school brings new challenges for students—and it can take a little time to adjust!  And by the way: Home School Partners classes are absolutely NOT just for “geniuses” or other names people use to refer to “smart” students (whatever “smart” means).  What’s most important is being diligent and thorough, coming to class prepared, and having a teachable spirit.  Kids who work hard, listen, participate, take notes, and have a good attitude toward their work always do great!

Important To-Dos For Students:

Again, students, feel free to contact me if you are struggling or have questions!  To repeat what I wrote above: I really enjoy working with high schoolers LIKE YOU, I want you to succeed, and I want you back the second semester and the next year!

Conduct & Cell Phone Policy
Interaction in Class – Students should speak courteously to each other and to me (1 Peter 3:8).  Inappropriate talk—anything sexual in nature, bad language, insulting, or anything else that violates the teachings of the Christian faith—is unacceptable and is grounds for immediate dismissal (Ephesians 5:11-12, 1 Peter 4:8).

Cheating – Academic dishonesty such as cheating on quizzes or plagiarism on essays is unacceptable and will result in, at minimum, a zero for the assignment/project.

Cell PhonesCell phones are not allowed at student tables.  If a student brings a cell phone to class, it must be left in the back of the room where we meet.  Students will be able to check their cell phone during classroom breaks or at lunch time.  Obviously, there are emergencies, and parents occasionally need to contact their children via a cell phone, but for some students the temptation to take out their cell phone in class is too great.  Parents, if you need to get in touch with your student, you can always call or text me at my cell phone.  Of course, if there is some extenuating circumstance or situation I’m not aware of, parents, let me know first!

Music, MP3 Players, Earphones, Headphones – These are not allowed, unless students leave them in their backpack until class is over.  Students, instead, talk to others around you and get to know them, and have conversations and interact with them!

If your student will be absent, please email/text me the night before to let me know, or as soon as possible.  Thanks!

Students, please be sure to arrive at least 5-10 minutes before class starts.  That way you can get settled, get materials out, get a drink, use the restroom, and so on—and we can start on time!

Dress Code
Student dress should be modest and appropriate for a learning environment.  The following items are not permitted:

Girls: Parents, please check your daughter to make sure she is modest (1 Timothy 2:9).  If you’re not sure, please err on the side of caution. Thank you!

Guys: Steer clear of these:

Quizzes & Scores
Quizzes in high school classes are done at home online; these are scored in Canvas automatically. Parents, please be sure to check your student’s scores regularly!

Students will not turn in essays on paper; instead, all compositions will be created as Microsoft Word documents (.doc or .docx file extension) and uploaded to Canvas.  (Microsoft Word is free at all public library computers, and Google Docs can be used for free to create Microsoft Word documents.)  Essays will be corrected and returned via Canvas.  Compositions are to be uploaded by 11:59 PM of the day before the class day to be considered on time.  Each day a composition or project is uploaded late to Canvas, 20 percent is automatically deducted from that score.

Psychotropic Drug/Antidepressant Policy (In-Person Classes)
I enjoy working with families whose children have different learning styles and disabilities!

For many years, as an inner-city school volunteer, home school instructor, and youth sports coach, I have worked with a number of children and teenagers who were told, outrageously, that they were “stupid” or “slow”; those who came from difficult backgrounds (orphans, children with a parent in jail, the fatherless); and children with organic health disabilities such as speech impediments, asthma, degrees of autism, Turner syndrome, and so on.

I was picked on constantly in school, and even physically attacked, because I was the shortest kid in the class, wore glasses, and had a crossed eye for a year.  So I have a special affinity for and a strong desire to protect and support children that don’t “fit in” (whatever that means!) because they’re a little different.

With that in mind, in recent years in the United States, the use of psychotropic drugs for children has mushroomed.  Some of these psychotropic drugs, however (like those given to children who are said to have “ADD” or “ADHD” or “clinical depression”), are classified by the United States DEA as Schedule II drugs (along with cocaine and meth), which by the DEA’s definition have a “high potential for abuse, with use potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence.”

And because of the side effects linked to psychotropic drugs, such as…

students who are currently taking or have within the last 12 months taken antidepressants (or other SSRIs) or other psychotropic drugs such as (but not limited to) Suboxone, Ritalin, Adderall, Xanax, Prozac, Paxil, Ativan, Desyrel, Zoloft, Luvox, Celexa, Trazodone, Lexapro, Effexor, or Serzone, are not eligible to take in-person classes at Home School Partners.

I have been in the presence of students on these dangerous drugs who behaved erratically and unnaturally in class, as well as a student weeping in grief in my classroom after a friend–whose doctor and parents placed her on antidepressants–hanged herself days later.  So this policy is not intended to upset anyone whose child is taking psychotropic drugs; it is for the purpose of ensuring the safety of all students in the classroom.

Tuition/Refund/Class Availability & Weather Policy
One third of the yearly tuition is due by the first day of class in August, one third by the first day of class in November, and one third by the first day of class in February, unless arrangements have been made at least 30 days in advance.  No refunds will be given for

Any student removed because of one of the reasons on the second bullet above is eligible to follow along online, without being physically in the class.

I will do everything in my power to have all classes at our classroom during a class calendar year.  There might, however, be extenuating circumstances where it won’t be possible to exactly follow the classroom calendar posted elsewhere on this web site.  In that case, I will provide via email any materials needed by students to the best of my ability!