The Basics (More Details Below)
What: American Government & Politics + American Literature set, in which students earn three college credits for American Government and three for American Literature.
When, Where: Classes are held one day each week: Wednesdays from 9 AM – 1:30 PM at Community Chapel, at 422 Kanuga Road, Hendersonville, NC 28739, just south of downtown Hendersonville, and just around the corner from Hot Dog World. Classes run from August to late April/early May (calendar here).
Tuition: $650 by August 1, 2025.
American Government
Book: American Government & Politics: A Christian Worldview
- Games/Activities – Memory games, crosswords, Jeopardy! games, projects, and more
- Audio-Visuals – Film clips of politicians, interesting films related to American Government topics
American Literature
Book Set: American Literature for Christian Homeschoolers
- Volume 1: Essays, Poems, Letters, Speeches – Selections to inspire, enlighten, and tickle the funny bone of students
- Volume 2: Short Stories – Includes 24 great American short stories!
- Volume 3: Up from Slavery – An inspiring autobiography by former Alabama slave Booker T. Washington
- Volume 4: The Magnificent Ambersons – One of America’s finest novels, set in Indiana, a Pulitzer-Prize winner by Booth Tarkington
Vocabulary, Grammar, and Usage (included with American Literature):
- About 80 vocabulary words, with origins, synonyms, and usage examples, reinforced with regular practice sheets
- Usage and grammar rules (commas, possessive case, gerunds, clauses, and more), reinforced with regular take-home practice worksheets
Composition (included with American Literature):
- Five turn-in essays on various topics
- Four analysis essays that contribute toward dual enrollment credits
More Details
American Government
In our text, American Government & Politics: A Christian Worldview, we review what the Bible says is the true reason for government, the truth about the “separation between church and state,” the superiority of limited government, influences on America’s government (Christianity, Ancient Greece and Rome, the Renaissance, the Reformation, etc.), government types and their strengths and weaknesses, the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation and U. S. Constitution, constitutional amendments, key Supreme Court cases, nullification, political parties, secession, the North/South War’s effect on U. S. government, taxation, endless government agencies, welfare and foreign aid, government spending, great presidential vetoes and pardons, “emergencies” as excuses for government tyranny, and more!
American Literature
Our book set is American Literature for Christian Homeschoolers. Students analyze these areas of American Literature: essays, speeches, poems, letters, short stories, a novel, and a biography. Students also review literary elements (theme, plot, character, setting, poetry terms, irony, symbolism, tone, and style), comparing often humanistic worldviews with a Christian view.
Vocabulary, Grammar, and Usage
Students study usage and grammar rules and concepts (the possessive case, gerunds, serial commas and comma use, pronoun-antecedent agreement, parenthetic expressions, restrictive clauses, and non-restrictive clauses. Concepts are reinforced through regular practice worksheets, exercises, and quizzes.
No boring essays to write! Compositions often relate to areas of study in other subjects such as American Government and American Literature. Students receive thorough corrections on their turn-in essays, with the benefit of Scott Clifton’s degree in journalism and his experience as a writer and editor.
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