IN-PERSON classes meet once per week from 9 – 1:30 (Set 1 or 2, “9th/10th Grade”), or 9 – 2 (Set 3 or 4, “11th/12th Grade”), with class discussions, group activities, games, projects, and a lunch break.  There are four rotating class sets, one for each high school year:

Sets 1 and 3 are offered in 2025-26, Sets 2 and 4 are offered in 2026-27, back to Sets 1 and 3 in 2027-28, and so on.  Students who take all four sets earn 30 college credits.  More info on in-person classes is here!

ONLINE classes meet once per week for 50 minutes, with class discussions and “breakout sessions” in smaller groups.  All assignments (readings, quizzes, tests, film clips, projects) are done via Canvas, an online learning management system.  These online classes are available:

All online classes (except Civics and Economics) earn students three college credits.

More info on online classes is here!